Audit & Recovery
Betachon Freight Auditing conducts a detailed audit on all your business shipments to ensure that all the billed charges are accurate.
In case of any disputes, Betachon automatically claims eligible refunds, processes them, and posts them to your shipping accounts. Your refunds will appear on shipping invoices as a credit.
How to Painlessly Reduce Your Small Parcel Costs
It’s easy as 1 - 2 - 3
Sign up for an account
Use your shipping credentials to create an account on Betachon Freight Auditing so the technology can work for you.
Claim your credit
We conduct a 40-point audit on your shipping invoices using our custom-built software and manual audit team.
Get your refunds
Claims are automatically processes and you start getting money sent back to you like magic.
When you get a refund, we share a screenshot and invoice number to show you exactly where the refund was delivered
Free automatic refunds
At Betachon Freight Auditing, we will not charge you if your carrier automatically refunds you. We only charge you a fee when we take action to get you a refund
Customer data is simplified on a dashboard, with simple reports and charts. These reports are easily accessible, making it easier for businesses to plan their future logistics
Fast Filling
Customer claims get filed immediately. FedEx and UPS are more likely to approve a refund if it's submitted on the same day